Gumgwang takes a step ahead to innovate The green technology that harmonizes both human and nature
The power that prepares us for tomor카지노 룰렛w!!
Gumgwang 카지노 룰렛 uses that unlimited power to create a richer tomorrow.
SINCE 1957
The completion of a super blue chip 카지노 룰렛2017.1.
60th anniversary2015.1.
Transferred headquarter to 85-1 Choongui 카지노 룰렛, Hwasoon eup, Hwasoon goon, Jeonnam2013.1.
카지노 룰렛 type 1 Gas facility construction works business license (No. 2013-23-01)2012.12.
카지노 룰렛 Civil engineering works business license (No. 2012-12-02)2012.2.8
Inauguration of Representative Director Bong Myeong-cheol2010..
Rising to the world2007.12.6
Acquired New Envi카지노 룰렛nment Technology certification by the Ministry of Envi카지노 룰렛nment (No. 239)2007.11.23
Acquired New Envi카지노 룰렛nment Technology certification by the Ministry of Envi카지노 룰렛nment (No. 236)2004.12.2
Registered as Air pollution prevention facility business (No. 7)2003.3.31
카지노 룰렛 Dredging works business license (No. 2003-25-01)2000..
Creating global values1999.8.24
카지노 룰렛 Y2K certification1999.7.16
카지노 룰렛 ISO9001, KSA14001 certifications1998.8.29
Information and Communication Works Business Act Grade 1 (No. 140095)1997.12.4
카지노 룰렛 Industrial facility works business license (No. 97-60)1997.2.22
카지노 룰렛 ISO9001 / KSA9001 / ENISO9001 certifications1996.11.13
Registered as overseas contractor (No. 208)1996.7.23
Transferred headquarter to 222 Manyeong ri, Hwansoon eup, Hwasoon goon, Jeon nam1994.12.10
카지노 룰렛 landscaping work business license (No. 53)1992.12.4
카지노 룰렛 Steel re-installment work business license (No. 891992.7.10
Decided eligible for military supplier (No. 2349651)1991.10.15
카지노 룰렛 firefighting facility construction work (machinery · electricity category) business license (No. 91-10)1991.3.30
Registered Business license for housing land development (No. 91-40)1990..
Growing to become a leading 카지노 룰렛1989.12.2
카지노 룰렛 paving work business license (No. 207)1989.11.3
Transferred headquarter to 416-3 Hapgang myeon, Woogwa myeon, Goksung goon, Jeon nam1981.7.31
카지노 룰렛 electric work license type 1 (No. 73)1976.3.8
Transferred headquarter to 129 Geumnam카지노 룰렛 5 ga, Dong-gu, Gwangju met카지노 룰렛politan city1970..
The take off as a general construction 카지노 룰렛1968.3.5
Transferred headquarter to 117 Daein dong, Gwangju city1957.2.22
Established / Business name Gumgwang Engineering & Constructio1957..
The beginning of history