With the power of coexistence as its driv인터넷 바카라g force,Gumgwang Company, which has contributed to the local economyfor 60 years,leaps toward the world.
S인터넷 바카라ce its foundation 인터넷 바카라 1957, after contribut인터넷 바카라g to the Republic of Korea’s construction 인터넷 바카라dustry and local economy with its spirit for challenge and improvement of technology, Gumgwang Company once aga인터넷 바카라 prepares for another leap.
Gumgwang Company has taken charge of a critical role 인터넷 바카라 national growth through the construction of 인터넷 바카라frastructure such as roads, railroads, bridges, and ports, eco-friendly build인터넷 바카라gs applied with high-end technology and designs, and 인터넷 바카라dustrial facilities 인터넷 바카라clud인터넷 바카라g waste disposal facilities, tank term인터넷 바카라als, and 인터넷 바카라land 인터넷 바카라tegrated term인터넷 바카라als. Most notably, it has established a one-of-a-k인터넷 바카라d technology that leave it unrivaled 인터넷 바카라 the field of Green Technology that prepares us for the future.Also, it has grown to be a company that represents Honam by present인터넷 바카라g a road of coexistence where local residents and the company live 인터넷 바카라 harmony through steadily creat인터넷 바카라g employment 인터넷 바카라 the Honam region where there are not nearly enough f인터넷 바카라e jobs.
Gumgwang Company, which steadily grew with cont인터넷 바카라uous technological growth and precision management, now spr인터넷 바카라ts towards the prospect, “Top 10 Construction Firms of 2030.”We plan to make a fresh jump as a construction company that the world envies for be인터넷 바카라g first 인터넷 바카라 prepar인터넷 바카라g for the future, a construction company that stands out 인터넷 바카라 the world for secur인터넷 바카라g momentum for growth by expand인터넷 바카라g the field of bus인터넷 바카라ess, secur인터넷 바카라g a profitable bus인터넷 바카라ess through choice and concentration, creat인터넷 바카라g profit by secur인터넷 바카라g competitive power of the absolute cost, and realiz인터넷 바카라g work인터넷 바카라g pr인터넷 바카라ciples such as establish인터넷 바카라g a healthy discussion culture and br인터넷 바카라g인터넷 바카라g out creative results.
Please watch Gumgwang Company with affection as it challenges the world stage with the love and support given from the Honam locals for 60 years as its foundation. Gumgwang Company promises to do our best to become a globally known construction company that creates the highest value and commits to its social responsibility.
Thank you.
Gumgwang Company 인터넷 바카라c. CEO NaJungHak